Seminar and webinar
Seminars & Webinars

Many new seminars & webinars: Save your seat!

We are here for you online and offline.

The resumption of our face-to-face seminars was a resounding success. We were delighted with the high level of attendance both at our head office in Weener and at other locations. We are delighted to be able to offer you more dates in the coming months. Make sure you book your place in good time, for example, for our popular specifiers' days or for the 'Servicing and installing fire dampers' seminar. This time we are offering the latter in both Weener and Oberursel near Frankfurt am Main.

Seminars at Wildeboer

Of course, we are still here for you online, continuing our popular series of free webinars. Feel free to choose the topics that are most relevant to you and take advantage of our wide range of services.

A few selected examples: 

  • Face-to-face seminars: Fire damper repair and installation (two dates, two locations)
  • Face-to-face Planner Days: Use and installation of fire dampers, air diffusers and volume flow controllers (16 + 17 November 2022, Weener)
  • Fire dampers: Necessary clearances and solutions when space is limited (26.08.2022, online)
  • Air transfer applications and their closure: when do I need a smoke detector in the fire damper (29/09/2022, online)

We look forward to seeing you there!

Overview of all dates