
What you should know about smoke detectors & smoke alarms for ventilation ducts

Webinar goal

This webinar will be held exclusively in German.

Early smoke detection in ventilation ducts is a much-discussed topic. This not only raises questions about selecting the right product - smoke trigger device or smoke detector for ventilation ducts - but also about aspects such as maintenance and hygiene.

In this webinar you will learn

  • all the relevant information relating to the early detection of smoke in ventilation ducts.
  • interesting facts about our new products OR4 (smoke detector) and RL4 (smoke detector & smoke alarm for ventilation ducts).
  • the differences between the Pro and Basic versions.
  • Background information on DIBt approval, VdS approval and the hygiene certificate.
11:00 AM - 11:45 PM CET
Rainer Willms (Training)
Participation fee

If you have any further questions, please contact Rainer Willms by e-mail at rainer.willms@wildeboer.de or by telephone on +49 4951 950-168.

Contact person

Rainer Willms