Article on the Environmental Product Declaration
Our contribution to sustainability

Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)

EPD for fire dampers, smoke control dampers, volume flow controllers and limiters

An Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) is used to determine and label the environmental impact of products. A product, for example a fire damper, can be mapped in terms of its environmental impact. This life cycle analysis is carried out in the environmental product declaration. Various Wildeboer products have an EPD.

Life cycle assessment from raw material extraction to recycling and disposal

What does the Environmental Product Declaration indicate?

More specifically, the Environmental Product Declaration provides detailed information on the environmental impact of a product. It describes its classic life cycle from cradle to grave. It offers users the opportunity to view the environmental footprint of a product in detail. With the EN 15804, ISO 14025 and ISO 14044 standards, the foundations for the creation of Environmental Product Declarations in Europe are on their way to harmonisation.

An EPD is a Type III environmental labelling. Type III labelling means that the information is quantifiable and that verification has been carried out by an independent party, not just Wildeboer as manufacturer.

Several Wildeboer products have had product-specific Type III Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) since 2013. Wildeboer was thus the first company in Europe and worldwide to provide the "ecological data" of ventilation and air conditioning components such as fire dampers, volume flow controllers and limiters and smoke control dampers to assess the sustainable use of resources and the impact of products and buildings on the environment.

Our goal is to be able to provide an Environmental Product Declaration for all of our major products in the future.

What is an EPD?

A video by the Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. (IBU)

Questions and answers on the environmental product declaration

We often receive similar questions about Environmental Product Declarations. We have therefore set up a FAQ section to provide answers to the most frequently asked questions. This section will be updated on an ongoing basis.


General features of the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)

  • Product specific Type III Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) according to EN 15804, ISO 14025 and ISO 14044
  • Produced in accordance with the requirements of EN 15804, ISO 14025, ISO 14044, verified by the IBU (Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V.)
  • Recommended for verification by the Construction Products Regulation
  • Addresses the whole life cycle of products from cradle to grave in accordance with EN 15804
  • Suitable for ecological assessment for building certification schemes such as DGNB, BNB (German Sustainable Building Council), LEED and for ecological building assessment to EN 15978
  • Valid throughout Europe

From building product to sustainable building with EPDs

A video by the Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. (IBU). They explain how building certification systems work and why life cycle assessments and EPDs with the various environmental indicators are needed.

The use of environmental product declarations for building assessment

The content of an EPD, combined with its acceptance by leading building certification schemes, makes a significant contribution to the environmental assessment of a building.

Building certification schemes such as DGNB, BNB (German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety), LEED and many others use EPDs for the environmental assessment of buildings in accordance with EN 15978. Products with an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) have a positive impact on the overall result of a building certification. When products with EPDs are used in the construction of a building, additional points can be gained in the overall building assessment. This, in turn, enables you, the client, to obtain a sustainability certificate for your building.

EPDs are created by a so-called programme holder. In Germany, this is carried out by the Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. (IBU) for the majority of environmental product declarations. A programme owner is essentially responsible for the administration and maintenance of the general programme instructions, compliance with the requirements of ISO 14025 and the maintenance of publicly accessible lists of available EPDs. Therefore, you can also be assured that the EPD has been prepared by an objective party.

Since October 2016, all EPDs for Wildeboer products have been converted to the ECO-Plattform standard and labelled with an ECO EPD logo. The logo confirms that the high requirements of the ECO Platform organisation (an umbrella organisation of the various national EPD programme holders in Europe) have been met with regard to quality management and the verification process of the EPDs. Environmental Product Declarations for Wildeboer products are recognised and can be used throughout Europe and are also available in English.

Reference objects

Here are some examples of our reference object that have already received a DGNB certificate:


Who creates an EPD?

EPDs are created by a so-called programme holder. In Germany, this is carried out by the Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. (IBU) for the majority of environmental product declarations. A programme owner is essentially responsible for the administration and maintenance of the general programme instructions, compliance with the requirements of ISO 14025 and the maintenance of publicly accessible lists of available EPDs. Therefore, you can also be assured that the EPD has been prepared by an objective party.

Since October 2016, all EPDs for Wildeboer products have been converted to the ECO-Plattform standard and labelled with an ECO EPD logo. The logo confirms that the high requirements of the ECO Platform organisation (an umbrella organisation of the various national EPD programme holders in Europe) have been met with regard to quality management and the verification process of the EPDs. Environmental Product Declarations for Wildeboer products are recognised and can be used throughout Europe and are also available in English.



The Environmental Product Declarations and Life Cycle Assessment data for Wildeboer products are available at

Questions and answers about the environmental product declaration

We frequently receive similar questions on the subject of environmental product declarations. Therefore, we have compiled a FAQ section where you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions. This section will be continuously expanded.

To the FAQ section